At my last OB appointment, my doctor (the new one :) told me that all IVF patients will be seen by a MFM. I thought he meant just for the gender scan, but then the MFM called this week and schedule me for two ultrasounds! Whoo hoo! I love a chance to see this little one. So, this Thursday I will be going in for a short ultrasound. At the appointment they will be checking on the placenta to see if it's moved at all, and they will also be checking cervix length to make sure it's within a normal range. Not that we are finding out the gender, but our gender scan will be November 17th. That's so far! LOL Even though we are not finding out, the ultrasound is about an hour long. They will be checking the same things they check this week, and they will be taking all sorts of measurements for the baby. I'm excited to get a good ultrasound this week. The ultrasound machine at the RE was top notch, and then the OB offices don't have as clear of pictures on their machines. It's kinda like HD and not HD. Hahahaha.
Other than that, things are going well. Mr. Later Than Most and I have been working on getting our house in tip top shape. Today I'm going through my clothes and putting away things that don't fit. I've had two very generous people lend me maternity clothes, so I'll be getting those put away today as well.
As I've mentioned in many other blogs, I'm a recreational shopper. I've been good so far, but the shopping has slowly started. We bought a bassinet from another teacher in my district this week. It was really cheap and in great shape. Mr. Later Than Most and I played with it for about twenty minutes the other day. It has all sorts of gadgets. Other than that, I've bought a couple of things that I found on sale. Yesterday I found a bouncy chair that literally matched the bassinet so I bought it. And of course, we purchased our bedding which I've posted in a previous blog. It's nice to have the winter to work on things. It would be really hard to work on our house if it were 80 degrees and sunny!
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