I've been slacking on the updates! Actually, I do update when I have something, but I haven't had too much to discuss!
Luckily, that little pregnancy ticker is moving right along. I went to my regular OB today and everything went well. The baby's heartbeat was good at 155
ish beats per minute. Mine was 130!
LOL I've gained 1.5 pounds total. Yes, I know I will gain more, but that number makes me cringe. All the damn books say 5-10 pounds is normal for where I am, so now I feel guilty. My doctor does not care too much though. He said as long as the baby is growing then I'm good to go. Either way, I still make sure to shove down a glass of chocolate milk each morning!
At my appointment today I had a Quad Screening done. This is where they take a vial of blood and test it for four types of diseases/defects. I should have the results of the test next week.
When the doctor listened to the baby's heartbeat he said, "WOW. That's one strong heartbeat."
Hahaha. I think he knows me well. That comment sent me skipping out of the office. It was like I was a little kid and the doctor just put a sticker on my chart. It's a good feeling!
New bump pics coming soon!